First plan, clean my pig sty house. My house is normally cluttery, but this last semester it has descended into chaos. I have a stack of like 10 magazines that I need to read. I have random papers thrown into a pile on the floor. I have a couch COVERED in kitty hair. You get the picture. Well I moved so that helped, and new house has not descended to the same level of chaos, so I count this plan as complete.
Second plan, work a normal schedule. Ahhhh, 8 to 5, never thought I would be happy working 8 to 5 every day, but after this semester it seems like heaven. The fact that I will get an hour lunch every day is the BEST part of the 8 - 5 schedule. I have missed lunch!!! I am now working a normal schedule, though now I am getting allergy shots 2-3 times a week, so I still miss a real lunch, still COMPLETE!
Third plan, beat Charlie!! Bike-A-Thon 2008 started in March, I currently have ONE measly ride to work, while Charlie is now "Charlie Seven Rides". Oh ya, lost MISERABLY!! I ended with 37 rides and Charlie ended with 60, BUT I was more than half his rides. YAHOO! Maybe next Bike-A-Thon I will win.
Fourth plan, start volunteering somewhere again. I miss volunteering! I have been so self-obsessed this past year, that I feel like a lousy member of my society. uh ya, still being self-obsessed, though I am a treasurer for my nerd club, so that is kind of volunteering. BUT in my defense, I totally emailed the volunteer coordinator at the shelter and she NEVER emailed me back, so I did try, still I FAILED!
Fifth plan, I would like to take a knitting class. At a local quilting/yarn store, they offer knitting classes. The best part is, you just sign up, pay your fee and they just teach you to make whatever you want!! That is AWESOME! I totally want to learn how to knit sweaters, so I think that is the class for me. Didn't take a class, BUT I have been knitting a lot, still it is a fail.
Sixth plan, I am going to start seriously shopping for houses!! (yahoo!) Well, ok, not going to do that until after I complete the "Opening The Door To Home Ownership - Home Buyer Education Program" which will be at the end of May. But until then, I will definitely be doing more drive-bys on houses I think are cute online! COMPLETED!! I TOTALLY OWN A HOUSE!
Seventh plan, okay I am out...oh wait I can watch more movies! Netflix is going to have to start delaying sending me movies (can't think of the term) because I will be watching so many!!! TOTALLY COMPLETED!! I have watched a TON of movies!!
Eighth plan, go on a REAL vacation!!! San Francisco here I come!! Completed!!! And it was grand. In fact, I am going back, but for a conference, so not quite a vacation. In 2009, my vaca will be Disneyland for my Mom's 60th birthday.
Ninth plan, hmmmm, okay now I am really out. COMPLETED! as this was not a real plan.
6 out of 9, not bad, not bad at all!
I am going to have to think about what my plans for 2009 shall be....
Not bad at all. I think I need to set goals and then check them.... good idea!
So, what about this next year?
EXCUSE ME!! I'm working on my 'PLANS' for 2009.
Good plans, good completions.
I think one "plan" should be to go to Wyoming at least 2 times to visit your wonderful mother.
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