Monday, December 8, 2008

Single Home Owners

This weekend I figured out why single people (women to be more precise) don't usually buy a house. It is all the D*MN yard work. I can totally understand why people what until they are married or shacked up to buy a house, it is so they can make the other person do the work!!

Now I really do like owning my house and I even like to do some yard work, but not all of it. And trying to do all of it makes me really really really tired/sore and feeling like I should have accomplished more since I am so freaking sore.

At least I got all my front leaves raked and it only filled up 5-6 bags. (mind you, I have already filled my yard waste bin, THREE times with leaves from the back and front about a month ago). And I got a measly 75 feet of lawn edged, which took me like 1.5 hours and bruised my tummy (I used my tummy to help me push). AND when I looked at the edge this morning, all I could think was "meh". It doesn't even look that good! When I finished it last night I was like, "man, that looks so much better" now I just think it was exhaustion and dehydration that lead me to believe that.

OH WELL! It is supposed to snow today, which means I don't have to worry about lawn/garden care until spring.

Now I just have to design my yard make-over. I am seeing topiaries, arches, fountains and oh wait, wrong yard. I am really seeing gravel and garden boxes...

1 comment:

Us Lochers said...

I love yard work! I feel like I'm accomplishing while getting a work out!