So back in April when I was at the end of my school career I made a
list of things I wanted to complete. Now 8 months later, let us see how much I have completed of said list. The blue is the plan, black is my comments.
First plan, clean my pig sty house. My house is normally cluttery, but this last semester it has descended into chaos. I have a stack of like 10 magazines that I need to read. I have random papers thrown into a pile on the floor. I have a couch COVERED in kitty hair. You get the picture. Well I moved so that helped, and new house has not descended to the same level of chaos, so I count this plan as complete.
Second plan, work a normal schedule. Ahhhh, 8 to 5, never thought I would be happy working 8 to 5 every day, but after this semester it seems like heaven. The fact that I will get an hour lunch every day is the BEST part of the 8 - 5 schedule. I have missed lunch!!! I am now working a normal schedule, though now I am getting allergy shots 2-3 times a week, so I still miss a real lunch, still COMPLETE!
Third plan, beat Charlie!! Bike-A-Thon 2008 started in March, I currently have ONE measly ride to work, while Charlie is now "Charlie Seven Rides". Oh ya, lost MISERABLY!! I ended with 37 rides and Charlie ended with 60, BUT I was more than half his rides. YAHOO! Maybe next Bike-A-Thon I will win.
Fourth plan, start volunteering somewhere again. I miss volunteering! I have been so self-obsessed this past year, that I feel like a lousy member of my society. uh ya, still being self-obsessed, though I am a treasurer for my nerd club, so that is kind of volunteering. BUT in my defense, I totally emailed the volunteer coordinator at the shelter and she NEVER emailed me back, so I did try, still I FAILED!
Fifth plan, I would like to take a knitting class. At a local quilting/yarn store, they offer knitting classes. The best part is, you just sign up, pay your fee and they just teach you to make whatever you want!! That is AWESOME! I totally want to learn how to knit sweaters, so I think that is the class for me. Didn't take a class, BUT I have been knitting a lot, still it is a fail.
Sixth plan, I am going to start seriously shopping for houses!! (yahoo!) Well, ok, not going to do that until after I complete the "Opening The Door To Home Ownership - Home Buyer Education Program" which will be at the end of May. But until then, I will definitely be doing more drive-bys on houses I think are cute online! COMPLETED!! I TOTALLY OWN A HOUSE!
Seventh plan, okay I am out...oh wait I can watch more movies! Netflix is going to have to start delaying sending me movies (can't think of the term) because I will be watching so many!!! TOTALLY COMPLETED!! I have watched a TON of movies!!
Eighth plan, go on a REAL vacation!!! San Francisco here I come!! Completed!!! And it was grand. In fact, I am going back, but for a conference, so not quite a vacation. In 2009, my vaca will be Disneyland for my Mom's 60th birthday.
Ninth plan, hmmmm, okay now I am really out. COMPLETED! as this was not a real plan.
6 out of 9, not bad, not bad at all!
I am going to have to think about what my plans for 2009 shall be....