She also went in there the other morning when she got scared of the blow dryer, so now I know she is okay with being kenneled and I no longer have to feel guilty about locking her in every night.
And here is what I was baking.... one ugly king cake! But it actually turned out better than I expected and was devoured completely.
Back to missing pets...Friday I came home and could not find KPP. I looked under the couch, under the bed, in between the covers, in all the closets, behind the washer and dryer, behind the fridge and in the office. And after all those places had found to be empty TWICE, I started to freak out a little, but then I remembered that she has been a fan of opening doors and drawers, so I started searching in cupboards... AFTER I looked in all of them, I looked up and noticed there was still one cupboard left, above the fridge...
And sure enough, there she was, comfortably napping on my cookie cutters.
I included this picture, because you can see her tongue.
And my final installment...I went down to Provo yesterday and met up with Darth Maul and Stone Cold Steve Austin (posing as a construction worker). It was quite strange.
Those are some smart pets. KPP always has liked high places.
I too felt bad for kenneling Wednesday but then I realized that she likes it. I think of it as her room. Everyone else has a space of there own and it’s only fair to let the dog have a space too.
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