Wednesday, January 16, 2008


So in the past two-three days, I have been thinking how irrational I have been when it comes to having a sick kitty and have felt stupid for being so upset, and started thinking, "Holy crap, how would I react if KPP was a kid?" But then I realized that if KPP was an actual 4-yr old kid, not a 4-yr old cat, the following things would have been different.

  1. She could actually tell me what hurt and what she had eaten.
  2. I could explain to her that she needed to eat and drink in order to go home.
  3. I would get to take sick time or FMLA to sit by her in the hospital.
  4. It would be acceptable for me to sit by her in the hospital all day.
  5. Insurance would pay for the hospital costs.
  6. The hospital costs would be WAY WAY WAY more.
  7. She wouldn't have had to wear a cone. (Though a neighbor girl in Provo once had to have cardboard on her elbows so she couldn't suck her thumb and pull out her hair, quite funny and kind of like a cone).
  8. The Dr. would feel more inclined to keep me updated, instead of just having her assistants tell me that she wanted to talk to me, but was busy and that KPP was resting comfortable, which then lead me to think the worst, because why would the vet need to talk to me if she was okay, why couldn't an assistant tell me that she was refusing to eat for them and that I needed to try when I got home, ARGH!
  9. Her name would not be Kitty PotPie, maybe something like PotPie the Kid
  10. hmm, I know I had more, but I have forgotten

Basically, I realize that my cat is not a kid, but I still love her, and I know she loves me, she just refuses to show her nice side when other people are present, which leads everyone to believe she is pure evil. But she is not.

Peace Out!

After getting an email from Meadow about Hazel and the toilet I can add #11

11. KPP likes to use the litter box and does not "like poop pants" ha ha ha (sorry Meadow, but it is kind of funny, but only because I don't have to change diapers)


Becky said...

PotPie the Kid is the best name ever!

Us Lochers said...

I'm glad KPP is better. I was really concerned for her, and concerned about you not getting any rest!

PS-I think some people should wear cones around their necks!!

Meadow said...

Kiddie PotPie?
I think you are mistaken on a few points.
Kids don't always tell you what's wrong or what they ate. Either because they don't know or don't want to get in trouble.

You cannot reason with a four-year-old, most likely they are still too young to understand if they eat and drink they can go home.

Doctors will still treat you like an over-reacting parent.

And even though insurance "pays" for it, it is still going to cost more than a vet visit.

Also, I have some hope that one day Hazel will not like "poop pants".

Glad the KPP is doing better.

Anonymous said...

So glad PotPie is doing better. Hope you are getting sleep now.

Jenni said...

I stand by my points!!!! Especially since I was comparing her with a 4-yr human and they can talk and have better reasoning skills than a kitty (or a 2-yr old girl, who likes "poop pants")