Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ninety-Three Days

ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days, ninety-three days

That's right, I have 93 days left of school.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Okay I have two polls. The first poll is about cereal. I already know the answer to how many boxes of cereal I have, but am curious to see if you all can guess. (I do love guessing games, just ask my mom!)

And the second, about sheet sets, I am just curious to see where I stand in the world with the number I have, which I will count when the week is up. (side note: I had answers up to 11+, but I guess blogger didn't like that and deleted everything about 5, so if you have more than five you can put your answer in the comment section - Jenni 1-24-08)

And for an update, KPP is back to normal. She has even forgiven me and is back to sleeping on my bed (for a couple days, she didn't even sleep on it when I was gone)

OH and one hundred days! That's right, I am down to 100 days until I wear a fancy hood and cape (gown, whatever) across a stage and receive an email diploma folder. WOO HOO!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Shaved Leg

Okay so I am kind of dumb and didn't really realize that KPP's little leg was shaved. I mean I guess I knew that they would, but then didn't really think about it, so when I saw it yesterday I was like "whoa!"

Here is a picture of it.

The best part is, she is so fuzzy everywhere else and then has this shaved band on her leg, it is like it is her bracelet.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


So in the past two-three days, I have been thinking how irrational I have been when it comes to having a sick kitty and have felt stupid for being so upset, and started thinking, "Holy crap, how would I react if KPP was a kid?" But then I realized that if KPP was an actual 4-yr old kid, not a 4-yr old cat, the following things would have been different.

  1. She could actually tell me what hurt and what she had eaten.
  2. I could explain to her that she needed to eat and drink in order to go home.
  3. I would get to take sick time or FMLA to sit by her in the hospital.
  4. It would be acceptable for me to sit by her in the hospital all day.
  5. Insurance would pay for the hospital costs.
  6. The hospital costs would be WAY WAY WAY more.
  7. She wouldn't have had to wear a cone. (Though a neighbor girl in Provo once had to have cardboard on her elbows so she couldn't suck her thumb and pull out her hair, quite funny and kind of like a cone).
  8. The Dr. would feel more inclined to keep me updated, instead of just having her assistants tell me that she wanted to talk to me, but was busy and that KPP was resting comfortable, which then lead me to think the worst, because why would the vet need to talk to me if she was okay, why couldn't an assistant tell me that she was refusing to eat for them and that I needed to try when I got home, ARGH!
  9. Her name would not be Kitty PotPie, maybe something like PotPie the Kid
  10. hmm, I know I had more, but I have forgotten

Basically, I realize that my cat is not a kid, but I still love her, and I know she loves me, she just refuses to show her nice side when other people are present, which leads everyone to believe she is pure evil. But she is not.

Peace Out!

After getting an email from Meadow about Hazel and the toilet I can add #11

11. KPP likes to use the litter box and does not "like poop pants" ha ha ha (sorry Meadow, but it is kind of funny, but only because I don't have to change diapers)

Kitty PotPie is home for good!

Well after two days of being hospitalized, KPP got the all clear. YAHOO! She could have gotten her IV/Catheter port taken out last night before she went home, but since she wouldn't eat food at the Vet's, the Vet felt it was best that the port stayed in until we knew she was going to keep real food down. So last night was another night of her with a cone on her head and bandage on her leg, but the difference was: she ate (YAHOO!), didn't barf (YAHOO!), could jump on my bed (YAHOO!) and was trying to groom herself (she is a vain kitty and was happy when I washed (used a kitty towelette) and brushed her yesterday).

The thing that was the same was that she had to be on top of me to sleep, luckily, I was tired enough that I could sleep with a coned kitty on me, and the funny part was that when I would roll over, she would act like a log walker guy and just walk on me as I rotated.

This morning, we went back to the vet, (which I thought it was going to be really hard to get her in her carrier, but it wasn't, in fact it was easier than yesterday) and they removed the cone and port and sent her home. AND I couldn't even hear growling or hissing in the waiting room, the people at the Vet's think she likes them now, but I know she just wanted the cone and port gone!

Now some pictures. First thing when she got home yesterday, she jumped on my bed.
Then she realized she was hungry, so she figured out a way to eat.

This morning when we got home, the first thing she did was go under my bed and rip off her bandage (like a bandage they put on you when you donate blood).And began to groom. She loves to groom herself!

And as a side note, I really did clean under my bed on Sunday, but my apartment is so dusty, that it gets dirty in two days!! I guess I need a better filter on my furnace or something. Maybe a new house!

Oh and I guess I should say that even though my vet was too busy to check in with me as much as I wanted her to, she is a VERY good vet and is nice to KPP, even though KPP is not nice to her. Plus, she always assures me that KPP's behaviour is not abnormal and that some cats are one person cats. Thanks Dr. Ponce!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Sick Kitty

KPP is sick. She vomited for 24 hours straight, so got taken to the vet this morning, where she got an IV/catheter and was filled will fluids for the day. Now she is at home with a cone on her head and bandage on her leg. She still has the port thingy in her little leg, in case she needs fluid tomorrow.

She is also still a little drugged up so is walking like a drunken sailor. It makes me feel sad, but not as sad as I was (i.e. I now don't burst into tears when thinking about her being sick). And at least she is not throwing up and looks better (besides the drugged up eyes).
Here's hoping she will eat some food and keep it down! If she does, then she get the port taken out and gets to come home at lunch, if not, she gets to stay at the vet's office for another day.
Now I wasn't going to post this picture because it is kind of mean, due to her cone, she gets stuck in corners (these containers were under my bed, they got moved out, so I could clean up puke better). If she wasn't sick I would laugh at her, but since she is sick, I just help her get unstuck. : (

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

School's Out FOREVER!

Oh wait, it is back in.


It is Day Two of my final semester of school EVER and already I am exhausted. Hopefully, over the next week or so, I will adjust to my crazy school/work schedule and not feel like I need an IV of Dew to function. (I have limited myself to 24 ozs today, but I totally want more.)

So if any of you hear me chanting a number over and over and over, just know that it is probably the number of days I have until I walk across a stage wearing a fancy outfit. One-hundred-fifteen, one-hundred-fifteen, one-hundred-fifteen, one-hundred-fifteen, one-hundred-fifteen, one-hundred-fifteen, one-hundred-fifteen...

And a KPP update. KPP has thrown up 4 times in the past 8 days, so like a good mom, I called the vet today. (Okay, not that good of a mom, because it took4 times and 8 days to call, but come on, she is a cat.) And the vet said to watch her this week and if she stopped eating and drinking or acted funny to bring her in. I asked if getting meaner counted, but I think the girl thought I was joking, because she laughed, but as my feet are all scratched up, I was NOT joking, but whatever, I will wait and see... There better not be cat puke when I get home tonight.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Kitty PotPie

Here is KPP trying to get me to pet her, when I am trying to take pictures of my socks.

Now she has seen a bird's shadow on the curtains

On the hunt
And lastly, my dear little kitty has developed a bald spot. It kind of worries me, but I called the vet last week and they said to wait and see, so if it isn't getting better by Friday, she will be sedated and taken in on Saturday (or Monday, because Saturday is Meadow's bday). Oh and it looks extra gross, because I smeared neosporin on it. Neosporin cures everything right?


So I am kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I have a total of 25 pairs Christmas socks and 11 pairs of winter-themed socks and ONE pair of Thanksgiving socks. For a grand total of 37 pairs of winter holiday socks. Well, it doesn't include Valentine's Day socks, so I guess I have another poll for a later date.
Now I don't want the numbers to dissuade anyone from buying me more themed socks, because I am now going to start implementing the one-in-one-out policy, because, frankly, socks don't last forever.