Thursday, May 28, 2009


Okay I am totally stealing this from Sam's blog (sorry, its private and you are not invited, okay some of you are)

I laughed the whole freaking time, in fact I still have tears in my eyes from the laughter.


Us Lochers said...

I don't like it.... this coming from a cat not so much liker. It just seems cruel.

Tamaran said...

I've got little tears, but I'm trying to not laugh out loud because it might freak Bob and Marian out!

I laughed hardest when they all caught on and the little heads were coming out at the same time.

Initally I thought "what the @#$*",kind of along Darla's comment. But they didn't whack the kitty, they just kept nudging their heads down-and softly enough that they all ended up getting out in the end.

Too funny! Thanks for posting it.

macarace said...

That is hilarious!! At first I thought it was one kitten, and then realized it was a lot. Thanks for sharing.