Monday, July 28, 2008


Well, I did it. I finished a 10k! But only because my mom made me. ha ha. Really though, I think I would have been MUCH slower without her there. Thanks Mom!!

Our gun times were 1:22:10.2 and 1:22:10.5. My mom beat me by 0.3 SECONDS!! The company that did the timing had some issues with the chips, so I don't know my chip time, but my pedometer said I finished in 81 minutes. Which seems about right, because we were at the VERY back of the pack when the gun went off, so it took us a minute + to make it to the start.

Our goal had been 15-minute miles (a nice walking pace), but we ended up doing a 13-minute mile, so that was awesome. Next year I will run it in less than an hour. (I am starting to train now instead of next June)

It was a fun race. We ran a lot and saw a dead squirrel. Good times. The only issue I had with the race were some of the people on the parade route. About mile 6, there was this dude that kept yelling "Run faster, you are almost there" I wanted to go kick him in the groin and tell him that he should run 6 miles and then see if he felt running faster, but alas, I was much too tired to deviate from the road or lift my leg to deliver a swift kick.

Oh and I made my goal of finishing before the first marathoners, even though they had a 40 minute headstart on us. (I am going to ignore the fact they had to run 20 more miles than me...)

Thanks for running it with me, Mom. You = awesome.


Us Lochers said...

I would have wanted to kick that guy in the groin as well. He was probably a whale too!! If not, let's just pretend.

Jolly Roger Crew said...

that is AWESOME!!!! Yeah Jenni

Tamaran said...

Congrats! I'm proud of you and your mom for being brave enough to do a 10K. Not bad on the time either. GOOD JOB!