Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Weekend Off!

Okay, so the weather last week was SUCKING MY SOUL!! I couldn't handle anymore snow, so when Meadow suggested we go to Portland to visit Lindsay, Duffy and the girls, I was like "OKAY!!!!!!" So we went to visit the lovely Mattes family. It was just what I needed! The weather was sunny and in the 50's.

Here are a couple of my favorite things from the trip (I forgot to take pictures most of the time)

Maple bar with bacon! SO GOOD! The bacon was perfectly cooked and not greasy and totally complemented the maple bar. mmm, mmm, good! I will be making my own* The other donut was also delicious. It was like a pound cake donut.

*by making my own, I mean buying the maple bar and adding bacon.

Meadow in front of bronze elephants, on Saturday we walked about 9 miles and I knew we walked in a lot of circles, because I saw this statue A LOT!
Around Pioneer Courthouse Square, they have these cool fountains. All of them have different animals in them (there were other fountains and sculptures as well). They were very cute, though I wish there would have been water in them.

Cool elephant painting on a wall, right across from two guys passed out in what I assume was vomit on a sidewalk. Don't worry there were EMT's on the scene trying to revive them.

The most awesome bike sign EVER! To me it says always wear a helmet and always cross tracks at 90 degrees, NOT PARALLEL!

A street with a bioswale to mitigate stormwater runoff, before it reaches the drain.

Proof that I was there.

Pretty sidewalks (every section had a different pattern, here are two of my favorites) at the Chinese Garden, totally worth the price of admission.

A pretty flower at the garden! Why can't I live in a city that has flowers like this in February!?!

A cool steel bridge with a train on the lower level.

Burnside Bridge. Meadow and I walked across it Saturday, DANG! it was a LONG bridge.

So basically, my weekend was awesome (Thanks again Lindsay!) and totally made me less antsy and desperate for a vacation, now I can officially finish my semester without pulling out my hair or gaining 20 pounds from eating comfort candy.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Portland is a wonderful city. It does RAIN A LOT, you just happen to hit a good weekend. Glad you could go.