Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Well, I have been "bag tagged", so here we go!

1. You have to show your bag. - I happened to be carrying two bags to day, my school bag and my cute purse.
2. Show all the contents in the bag, no cleaning it out first. - oh man I carry a lot of CRAP! In the mix I have my filofax, a calculator, camera, phone, laptop, coin purse, business card case, TWO chapsticks, gum, TEN tampons, tissues, four hair ties, various sticky note pads, three old grocery lists, one to do list from a month ago, school notebooks/folders, emery board (in handy case), flash drive, first aid kit, two pens (one is a pen/pencil/stylus), mascara, three rubber bands, two safety pins (where were they yesterday when my shirt was gapping???), lotion, a mirror, fruit leather (don't know when I put that in there), a pick, some gum wrappers and a water bottle. There is probably more stuff, but that is all I can tell from the pictures. And I realized when I was doing this I was missing my miniature scale, so I must find that, it is so cute and handy.

Oh and before I realized I had been tagged, I had removed two diet mountain dews from my purse to put in the fridge, so those could be on the list too.

3. Bag tag 5 more people.

Now I will find out who read my blog, mwa ha ha ha.


Anonymous said...

I am sure that you didn't tag me because a. I don't usually carry a bag, and b. I don't ever do those things, and c. I couldn't take a picture and get it on....
What no hand santizer?

Us Lochers said...

I'm just glad that you had more crap than I did!