Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I need a goal!

My work is doing this whole "Healthy Holidays" thing instead of "Maintain Don't Gain" (which I loved). And this week I am suppose to come up with a goal following the "SCAMPI" rules.

I don't know what my goal should be. I would say exercise, but that is so cliché, though it is a good goal. Or maybe journal writing, but that is kind of lame. Or I could take one of my failed plans for 2009 and make it my goal, but do I really want to fail at the same thing twice (not that I haven't done that before, but still).

***So give me ideas for a goal!***
It must be able to follow the "SCAMPI" rules (click on the underlined "SCAMPI" to see the rules).

Thanks and peace out.


Meadow said...

Eat shrimp scampi once a month.

macarace said...

Add one block to your walk with Nova every night....

Jenni said...

Meadow - that is not a real goal, and it kind of confused me until I remembered the "SCAMPI" rule.

Mom - by the end of the year that would be an extra 365 blocks. And if you count one block as a side that is 36.5 miles by the end of the year, if you count one block as all four sides that is 146 miles!!! That is much too long for a walk.

But nice try, ladies.

macarace said...

NO, no, just add one block to your nightly walk. Instead of 10 blocks at night do 11. Bah haha. 36.5 miles would be a lot to do after work.

Becky said...

That is a lot of guidelines. I was thinking of something to do with your yard. Like grow a garden you can live off of or something.

Us Lochers said...

I'm confused if you're just looking for any goal or health specific?? And is it all year or short term??? hmmmm?