Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Last night as I was telling April when KPP's birthday is (she said her cat was 5, but KPP is 5 and Meow is her mom, so has to be older than 5), I realized that my pets have funny birthdays.

KPP's is February 3, 2004 (2-3-04)
Nova's is June 7, 2008 (6-7-08)

CRAZY! How did I end up with two pets that have sequential numbers as their birthdays?

And now for two pictures of Nova...

We went on a walk last night and I took a ball. On our way home, we played fetch in the park and I guess she got tired, because she just laid down by her ball.

But she is always good and looks up when I say her name.

Now those pictures are cute, but I took them for the ball. It is COVERED in slobber that is lathered up so the ball is WHITE! And that my friends is why I bought the ball chucker or make her carry the ball home. GROSS!

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