Monday, July 26, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

But I know when I will be back again (mostly).

That's right, I am going to Paris. WOO HOO!! I leave on Wednesday, July 28 (as long as the plane is not full) and get back on Thursday, August 5 (as long as the plane is not full).

I am very excited, and am still debating whether or not to take my lappy. If I do, I can blog while I am there (yea), but will have to pack it (boo). If I don't, I will be cut off from my Utah world (boo), but will not have to worry about it (yea)

That's all. Going to Paris, turning 30. No big deal, it happens all the time. (Okay not really, but I like to channel Elf, so that line turns up a lot.)

Au revoir!


Candice said...

Be safe-have an awesome time! Happy Bday!

anne said...

Have a fabulous time! My advice-give yourself a break from electronic connection-just enjoy it with all your senses in the real world. (However, I am used to people not taking my advice, and will still love you if you decide not to)