Now that the WyOman's have finally picked up their Christmas presents from the post office, I can blog my projects. (granted April probably hasn't opened it, so April DON'T scroll down until you have opened your present!)
First - the latest knitting project. While I was knitting a present for April, Hazel came to play and wanted to know what I was doing and I told her I was making a scarf. Of course she requested a scarf of her own, and since her birthday was coming up I figured what the hay (hey?). So I just used yarn I had at my house and made her the following.
I think it is cute. Too bad she didn't remember requesting it, but whatever, she can always just let it sit in a drawer.
Here is one part of April's present, it was the second part I made. I guess I should've put the pictures in chronological order, but whatever.
I chose this picture, because I find Nova's bottom jaw hilarious.
Here is the scarf and hat I made for April. It is a pink and black scarf and a pink and black hat. Now I should have asked her what colors she liked before hand, but I didn't, because I am a jerk. So April, sorry they are pink and black. I hope you like them anyways.
oh but wait, the scarf has a secret skull and crossbones. Awesome I know.
I think I will start making a pattern for other secret things, maybe a "J" for Jenni or a kitty face. Who knows, the possibilities are endless!! Okay maybe not endless, but there are a lot of possibilities.
And here is a cute picture of Nova, unlike KPP the dog seeks out the camera. (hence the above jaw shot)
Peace Out.