Friday, June 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Nova!

Okay, it was yesterday, but I didn't blog.

Nova is now four.  Yes, I have a four year old dog, and I am not afraid to admit it. I am old enough for a four year old dog.

We celebrated Nova's birthday with party hats, okay one hat.  And for her special birthday treat, she got TWO carrots when I left for the morning.  I know, I know, I went all out and shouldn't have...but dang it, she is worth the extra carrot.

Here are some pictures of the party hat.

Yes, PotPie wore it first.  She is much more willing to put up with me.  Surprising, I know.  Plus, it is easier to wrangle her.  Nova requires lots of sweet talk and treats, Pie requires a scratch under the chin and she is good.

I love love love love this picture.  I had interrupted her eating to make her wear the hat, and her look is a mix of embarrassment and being annoyed.

Nova is a funny dog.  She didn't want to come near the hat at first (there may have been some nervous pee), but once she calmed down and I got it on, she was fine with it.
 She really is a good dog.
Happy birthday, Nova-dog!

1 comment:

macarace said...

Cute, cute. How did you get the hat to stay on? Elastic?