I felt like I should have studied more, but if I pass, I will be glad I didn't study more. Especially since the topics I really struggled with, I would have never thought to study the stuff that was actually on the test (but I can sure analyze effective stress in soils).
Mostly, I studied at work and counted my review class as good, but I decided I should study at home on a couple of Sundays.
Here is my study area with all my reference books, before I started studying.
KPP joins the table (this is after I pushed her off my book I was reading)
Now for the progress report on the goals
1. Company clean house - it is currently a train wreck : ( I had it clean and then the weekend after the PE happened and I just haven't had motivation, maybe tomorrow I'll clean.
2. Exercise 2-3x /week - again the PE happened. That test threw my schedule off. I will have to start up again.
3. Walk the Nova 4x /week - ya see above
4. Take a lunch 2-3x /week - I have actually done really well on this one, except I have been coming home for lunch. I rather enjoy seeing Nova and Pie in the middle of the day, plus I get a lot of cleaning done on lunch breaks.
5. Make my own bfast4/5 days - I have rocked this one!! YAHOO me! I think I have purchased bfast twice in the past 3 months.
6. Track $, Save >=$200/month - I have done fairly well at this, the saving, not the tracking, I suck at tracking, but I am more conscience about where I am spending my monies and that is what matters.
7. Read 60 books - Check I have been reading.
8. Write in my journal >=1/week - ya um no.
9. Bike to work 87x - I am still at two rides for the year, but tomorrow is bike to work day, so I will be biking, maybe that will be my kick-off for the season.
10. Take stairs at work - I was doing so well until I stopped working out and then I stopped taking the stairs. I guess I should start that up again, maybe tomorrow (but not when I have my bike)
11. Secret - I am doing okay at my secret goal.
Now I feel like I used the PE as an excuse for a lot of things, but it really did wipe me out. I think if I have to take it again, I will not schedule anything for right after (even though the baseball game was super fun) or the Saturday after (even though I go my composter together and Nana sanded most of my chair) or the Sunday after (I did something) and will take the Monday after off. I was/am really surprised how exhausting it was, I must be getting old. Oh and the worst part of it is I get asked daily if I know yet, I WISH! I only have 6 to 8 weeks left before I get my results! Please let me have passed!! I am too cheap and tired to take it again, however, I will take it again, because I vow to become a PE!
And thank you to all my friends and family (aka my only readers) for putting up with and supporting me while I prepared, I know I became a one trick pony. I sure hope I passed, so I don't have to play that pony again...